5 proven ways to look amazing every day
The short of it: If you're looking for tips to know what to wear, look amazing and make your everyday fashion experience more enjoyable, you've come to the right place. In this post, we give 5 proven ways to look amazing everyday. These tips cover knowing what to wear and how to enjoy dressing up.

While knowing what to wear all the time can feel like a difficult decision, we at Serah Kassim believe that it should be something we should look forward to.
If you want to be known for your fashion sense or you're looking to be the go-to friend for style tips or if you just want to step up that fashion game and feel confident wherever you are, then you have to do more than just pick up the closest piece of clothing and head out.
It's not enough to just skim through your closet, pick something out, wear it and head out without careful consideration and that's where the problem is. Careful consideration, no one has time for that. Let’s be honest, in between being in a hurry and staring at a heap of clothes, the easiest route is to just choose anything
Choosing that dress and what shoe to pair it with or what jewelry piece would be perfect with it should be an exciting decision, on most days.
If you don't feel that way or you're looking for tips to look amazing everyday and make your everyday fashion experience more enjoyable, you've come to the right place.
5 proven ways to look amazing every single day
1. Declutter your closet

First things first, the heap of clothes needs to turn into well-arranged and neat lines of clothing in your closet. Declutter means to remove any unnecessary or unused item.
It also means, in simple words, to have a tidy space, to make your closet go from a mess to ‘hey, I can now wear that top I bought 4 months ago because it’s not out of reach anymore’.
Do you see how that’ll make the decision of choosing what to wear more enjoyable and how it'll help you look amazing every day? You now have your whole closet within your reach and all you have to do is scan through with your eyes and just pick them out.
No more spending minutes on end finding one particular top or skirt.
The simple strategy to decluttering your closet -
- Pick out a day when you’re less busy
- Play your favorite playlist, something that’ll get you pumped up
- Bring out a section of your closet (or the whole thing, if you’re feeling particularly excited)
- Sort, sort, sort. Three categories - still wearing(or want to), no longer wearing(to be donated or sold), not good enough to be worn (beyond repair or faded)
- Fold or hang category 1 in your closet.
For category 4, ask difficult questions like ‘when did I wear this last? Does it still fit? Would I wear this again? Do I actually like this item and how it makes me feel?’ and answer honestly
And there you have it, a decluttered closet.
2. Find your personal style

Your personal style is something that transcends fashion trends. It’s knowing what you like and don’t, what you’re comfortable in and what fits you. It’s not just about having just a particular aesthetic, it’s expressing yourself through your dressing.
If you know this, it narrows down the decisions of what new pieces to buy or what to wear to a particular place or event or on a particular day to a few options.
You can find your personal style by looking through your wish lists or Pinterest boards and asking yourself what clothes and accessories make you feel confident, comfortable, cool, and so on.
Other post: African Print Outfit Ideas For A Business Meeting.
3. Know your accessories

No look is complete with accessories. Accessorizing is a huge part of styling. From jewelry to belts to wristwatches to bags down to socks and shoes, they are important to complement and complete any look.
The key to knowing what to wear, enjoying making fashion decisions and looking amazing everyday? Know your accessories and what you like to pair them with.
Let’s play a game. Let's say you’re going out and you decide to wear a Serah Kassim’s African Print Aduke dress, tell me which of these would you prefer.
a. A pearl necklace or a gold plated necklace with a nice pendant?
b. Platform heels or pencil heels?
c. Big black bag or a shoulder brown bag?
See, that was fun. When dressing up, it’s important to find accessories that you love to pair with the outfit itself. In fact, you can start with an accessory and choose an outfit to match.
Basics and statement pieces.

You’re in a hurry and can’t seem to decide on what to wear yet you want to look put together? Think basic.
Yes. No need to go all complicated with it, think of your basic pieces like a plain t-shirt, a simple top, your jeans, a pair of sneakers, and so on then build up from there.
Another thing to do is to choose a statement piece and build it up. For instance, Serah Kassim’s African Print Funmi skirt can be your choice for the day.
The bold prints and nice design already pop so you’ll be building up by wearing something simple like a white tank top and your favorite heel.
5. Don't compare yourself to others

Last but not the least tip for looking amazing every day is to not compare yourself with others.
Do not think low of yourself because you think someone else has nailed this fashion thing way better than you.
Instead, draw inspiration from them and turn it into your own. Enjoy the process. Fashion is more than just putting clothes on, it can help you build confidence, it’s a way to express yourself and that’s personal and should not be compared to someone else.
Related post: Life at Serah Kassim; an African Fashion Brand That Truly Cares.
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